Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Petition Season in New York

Petition season is upon us again in New York. Collecting thousands of signatures on petitions from persons registered to vote in one's party, in a few short weeks, just at the time when everyone seems to be leaving town for summer vacations, is a Sysiphean challenge, especially for those of us in the minority Republican party. It's a time when all those friends who offered "if there's anything I can do for the campaign, Liz, just let me know," are really put to the test!

On the one hand, it's wonderful to walk throughout the district, meeting so many people while collecting signatures.

But on the other hand, I often wonder whether there is an easier way, and whether New York should eliminate (or at least ease) it's uniquely difficult petition requirements.

And, as in past years (and despite the articles I've written previously publicizing this problem), the Board of Elections voter lists have still not been updated, leaving us with the sad task of sometimes asking for a voter, only to learn from his spouse that he passed away years ago.

Looking forward to hearing comments on this new blog - your thoughts about the petitions process.